Real Estate Auctions

Timber Land
Hunting Land
Commercial Property
Industrial Property
Residential Property

The auctioneers of Edens Auctions have sold millions of dollars of real estate.

Instead of waiting months or years to sell your property, use the auction method to know the exact date, which you set.

Homes, Land, Farms and any desirable real property sell well at auction.

Regardless of market conditions, auctions work.

Contact us today for a free valuation.

Compare Auctions to Traditional Marketing


  1. Short time from contract to auction. 30-60 days.
  2. Most property is sold “As-Is, Where Is” without contingencies.
  3. Multiple offers are presented on the same day fostering competitive bidding in an open environment.
  4. Opening bid is made and price goes up, not down increasing upside potential.
  5. Preview of property is available.
  6. Auction creates a sense of urgency and Promote Buyer Interest. Buyers must act or lose the property.
  7. Buyers are qualified to purchase.
  8. NO Limit to what buyer may offer.
  9. NO guess work in establishing the price.
  10. Buyers are forced to act on your deadline.
  11. Term set by the seller prior to the auction.
  12. Auction creates a sense of urgency to promote buyer interest.

Traditional Marketing

  1. Property may remain on the market indefinitely – years.
  2. Properties often times sold with contingencies.
  3. Contract many times fall through or after numerous inspections seller is asked to make concessions, repairs, or lower their price.
  4. Closing could take a long time.
  5. Various contingencies are common.
  6. One offer at a time is usually made to the Seller in a closed environment.
  7. Many unscheduled showings.
  8. Price is reduced to increase interest and sellers wait for buyers.
  9. No Pre-Qualification of Buyers.
  10. Seller risks overpricing and no interest or underpricing and selling too low.
  11. Little motivation for buyers’, you wait for them. 
  12. Seller must negotiate many aspects of the sale. 
  13. Price reduction encouraged to create buyer interest and activity. 
  14. Overpricing or underpricing is common.
Will there be more than one person wanting to buy your property?
Do you want to enjoy the money you can receive now?
Do you desire to sell your property fast?
Are there multiple owners who can’t agree? Agree or face partition.
Are there a large or unknown number of heirs?
Did you try to sell your property in the past?
Are there properties for sale like yours (large supply) and you can’t sell?
Is there a large supply and none are moving?

Large Tracts of Land

Do you own a large tract of land, or smaller tract that can be divided into more than one tract?

If so, you have one of the best types of property to market.

Why? Because what we do is determine the best method to offer the property in multiple tracts and sell all the property at the auction. Because of this, bids for the tracts are much higher than the price wanted for the entire property which means the seller and buyers leave happy.  Here is how it works.

  1. We divide the property into tracts with the help of a suveryor.
  2. At the auction, each tact is offers and some tracts are also offered together to obtain  the highest bid and then the entire property is offered.
  3. If there are no bids above the total of the separate parcels, the separate parcels are all sold.  If someone bids more than the total of the seperate parcels the entire property sells to one bidder.

Why do the seller and buyers in this process all leave happy? Because the seller sold all the property at once for a higher price, and the buyers usually buy their tract lower than value for that parcel alone. Read More.

Types of Real Estate Auctions

  1. Absolute – The property will sell to the highest bidder.
  2. With Reserve – The property will sell if your reserve is met. It is not disclosed.
  3. With Starting Bid – The property will sale if bids are at or above the starting bid.
  4. Subject to Court Approval – Such as property sold for an estate or other court proceedings.

The most effective method is to offer the propety absolute.  We will evaluate your property and discuss all options, as well as which option we believe will attract the most bidders to acheive the highest price.