Monday, May 25, 2009 – Annual Memorial Day Antique Auction – Jackson, MS

The 2009 Annual Memorial Day Antique Consignments auction will be our best yet. We have a great selection of fine furniture,glassware and smalls for this auction. PLUS, a lot of special hard to find items. Over 30 Oriential Rugs; 5 Antique Chandeliers (Crystal Gasolier and Rare Swan); Rare...

Start: Monday, May 25th
Begins Ending: Sunday, February 23rd

Auction Description

The 2009 Annual Memorial Day Antique Consignments auction will be our best yet.

We have a great selection of fine furniture,glassware and smalls for this auction. PLUS, a lot of special hard to find items.
Over 30 Oriential Rugs; 5 Antique Chandeliers (Crystal Gasolier and Rare Swan); Rare Antique Maps; Artwork, etc.
Tiffany, Bavaria, Wedgwood, Royal Stafford, Schumann Germany, JHR Vienna, Stieff Pewter, Royal Doulton, Limoges, Prussia, Royal Rudolstadt, RW Germany, Bonn Germany, Haviland, Nippon, Bohemia and MORE.